- Fort Smith School District
- Counseling Overview
- Social Emotional Learning
- Social Emotional Learning Platforms
Elementary School
- The Second Step curriculum is evidence-based lessons that teach empathy, emotion management, and problem-solving that the School Counselors provide to every Fort Smith Public Schools elementary student.
- Bullying
- Elementary Counselors provide evidence-based lessons that teach students emotion management, problem-solving, empathy, friendship building, and assertiveness. These lessons provide the necessary skills to resist bullying, along with practice and real-world scenarios.
Junior High/Middle School
- Middle School Counselors teach evidence-based lessons on kindness, coping skills, conflict resolution, and anger management through the Second Step curriculum.
- Jesse Lewis: Choose Love
High School
- Jostens: The Harbor curriculum teaches students to identify stressors and learn coping strategies to manage stress and anxiety.
- Naviance
Belle Point Alternative School
- Second Step
- Boys Town Social Skills in School
- The Harbor - 5-minute videos and classroom guided discussion questions - Weekly - 2019-2020 topics examples: technology, unlocking your potential, equity vs equality, attitude, self-worth, meaningful conversations, showing up, grief, and balance
- Naviance - College, Career, and Life Readiness - 11th-grade SEL curriculum example: What makes me unique, my career goals, extracurricular activities, challenging myself, my test prep plan, financial aid options.