Zone IV Board Vacancy
Applicants are encouraged to read all of the information below before applying.
About the Application and Selection Process
The Fort Smith Public Schools Board of Education is looking to fill a board seat that became vacant Monday, January 27, 2025. By state law, the board has 30 days to appoint a qualified individual living in Zone IV to the seat.
The process for applying opens on January 29, 2025. Candidates should be aware that interviews could be scheduled immediately afterward, and candidates should plan to be available for a possible interview.
Verify You Live in Zone IV!
Position Qualifications
The vacant board seat is for Zone IV, so only residents who live in Zone IV may apply for this position. Other qualifications include:
- Must be a qualified registered voter of the school district and the electoral zone (if applicable A.C.A. §§6-13-616(a), 6-14-111(h), (i)(1), Article 3, §1)
- Must be a U.S. citizen (Article 3, §1)
- Must be an Arkansas resident (Article 3, §1)
- Must be a resident of the school district and, if elected from zones, the respective electoral zone (A.C.A. §§6-13-631(d)(1), 6-14-111(i)(1))
- Must not be an employee of the school district served (A.C.A. §6-13-616(b))
- Must be lawfully registered to vote (Article 3, §1)
- Must never have been convicted, plead guilty, or plead nolo contendere of embezzlement of public money, bribery, forgery, or other infamous crime (A.C.A. § 21-8-305, Articles 3, §6 & 5, §9)
Required Responsibilities
School boards are most effective when members focus on the big picture, making policies, setting goals, and engaging stakeholders, all with the ultimate goal of improving student achievement. Legally defined duties of a school board are:
- make, enforce, and obey district policies;
- hire and evaluate the superintendent;
- set the district’s vision, mission, and direction;
- oversee district finances and budget;
- approve the employment of staff;
- attend legally convened board meetings;
- conduct hearings;
- visit schools annually when students are present;
- receive training and professional development;
- follow state and federal laws and Arkansas Department of Education rules governing public schools, including the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act.
Additional roles of school board members include:
- monitor and advocate for student achievement and district progress;
- advocate student needs to lawmakers and stakeholders;
- collaborate with community partners;
- ensure facilities are safe and adequate, and
- align resources with goals.
If you meet all of the above and are interested in becoming a FSPS board member, the Fort Smith school board wants to hear from you!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Are there any out-of-pocket expenses that can be anticipated if I become a board member?
- Do I get paid if I am selected as a board member?
- How much time must I dedicate to reviewing the board packet?
- How often does the board meet?
- Am I required to attend all meetings?
- How many meetings may I miss?
- Can my company do business with the school district if I am a board member?
- As a board member, can I be held personally liable for legal claims against the board or the school district?