2022-2023 Employee Recognition
Celebrating Excellence in Education
When it comes to awards programming, winning is great! But, it is equally as important to know that you have touched the heart of a colleague, parent, employee, boss, student or community member in such a way that they took a little time to write it down.
FSPS Foundation Recognition Program
FSPS Foundation Employee Recognition Award Recipients for 2022-2023:
1Q Awards
Kind Counts - Jessica Albert, Sutton Elementary
Every Day Leader - Elizabeth Buergler, Barling Elementary
Ignite - Autumn Minnick, Woods Elementary
2Q Awards
Every Day Leader - Sherry Shock, Bonneville Elementary
Kind Counts - Melody Smith, Barling Elementary
Ignite - Daisy Acuff, Morrison Elementary
3Q Awards
Every Day Leader - Melissa Wilson, Ballman Elementary
Kind Counts - Amanda Goodman, Euper Lane Elementary
Ignite - Sheryl Harris, Purchasing
4Q Awards
Every Day Leader - Stephanie Freeman & Amye Drackett, Peak
Kind Counts - Bethany Peoples, Morrison Elementary
Ignite - Nathan Boyd, Darby Middle School
2022-2023 Award Nominees
Abel Triplett | Howard |
Abigail DeWater | Barling |
Aimee Warren | Cook |
Alina Chuong | Spradling |
Amanda Goodman | Euper Lane |
Amanda Ming | Park |
Amber Gooden | Orr |
Amy Adams | Southside |
Andre Love | Bonneville |
Andrea Washington | Beard |
Angel Sanders | Chaffin |
April Coats | Northside |
Audra Efurd | Beard |
Austin Calvillo | Ramsey |
Autumn Minnick | Woods |
Bethany Peoples | Morrison |
Brandon Candelaria | Chaffin |
Brenda Hayes | Chaffin |
Britney Watson | Morrison |
Callie Spahn | Carnall |
Carla Mathis | Beard |
Cassidy Hodge | Darby |
Cassie Peer | Darby |
Cathy Ford | Parker Center |
Cherokee Lann | Northside |
Chris Norwood | Kimmons |
Christine Pierce | Ramsey |
Christy Thompson | Sunnymede |
Cindy Loughmiller | Orr |
Claire Taliaferro | Orr |
Clint Gillman | Cavanaugh |
Coatney McCartney | Sutton |
Daisy Acuff | Morrison |
Dana Brooks | Beard |
Dana McGuire / Ashley Durrenburger | Carnall |
Dana Rackley | Beard |
Dani Wheeler | Woods |
Daniel Moreno | Ramsey |
Darren McKinney | Rogers Center |
Dawn Childress | Orr |
Debra Beam | Cook |
Diego Olivarez | Belle Point |
Donna Deleplank | Euper Lane |
Donna Jones | Bonneville |
Dwayne Henry | Orr |
Elizabeth Buergler | Barling |
Emily Johnson | Ramsey |
Eric Shaffer | Service Center |
Esha Curry | Kimmons |
George Griffiths | Parker Center |
Grace Kindy | Bonneville |
Grant Needham | Ramsey |
Heather Pettigrew | Morrison |
Heaven Winn | Beard |
Jacqueline Humphries | Beard |
Jamie Batson | Sunnymede |
Jared Meyers | Northside |
Jeanette Zirbel | Cavanaugh |
Jennifer Cagle | Sutton |
Jennifer Craig | Northside |
Jennifer Howald | Cook |
Jennifer Scott | Carnall |
Jessica Albert | Sutton |
Jessica Cunningham | Morrison |
Jessica Macy | Chaffin |
John Rea | Northside |
Joni Thomas | Darby |
Kalee Greenwood | Barling |
Karen Gardner | Sunnymede |
Karen Ness | Barling |
Kathy Fox | Beard |
Katie Becker | Bonneville |
Kelley Darr | Spradling |
Kellie Minton | Parker Center |
Kim Rahi | Cook |
Laurie Baldridge | Parker Center |
Lee Gaston | Cavanaugh |
Lori Hamilton | Sutton |
Lorie Horn | Euper Lane |
Lucinda McCabe | Woods |
Mark Karsten | Ballman |
Martha Elizondo | Northside |
Matt Coleman | Southside |
Matthew Hominick | Belle Point |
Mauricio Maciel | Northside |
Meagan Thompson | Southside |
Megan Bagley | Euper Lane |
Megan Turner | Sunnymede |
Melissa Wesson | Cavanaugh |
Melissa Wilson | Ballman |
Melody Smith | Barling |
Michael Johnson | Northside |
Mike Hinkle | Spradling |
Misty Moore | Carnall |
Nathan Boyd | Darby |
Nicole Franklin | Orr |
Nicole Shaffer | Cook |
Nicole Slabbert | Northside |
Noe Aguilar | Spradling |
Nora Molinero | Service Center |
Norma Lopez | Woods |
Pauline Dumas | Kimmons |
Payton Sharp | Sunnymede |
Phyllis Poole | Service Center |
Rachael Daniel | Kimmons |
Rachelle Watkins | Cook |
Sarah Yancey | Parker Center |
Scott Montgomery | Woods |
Shane Calloway | Woods |
Sherry Shock | Bonneville |
Sheryl Harris | Service Center |
Stephanie Freeman & Amye Drackett | Peak |
Sundy Griffin | Service Center |
Tamika La Torre | Chaffin |
Tammy Chase | Kimmons |
Tammy Coomer | Barling |
Tamraha Pitts Powell | Darby |
Tanisha Guy | Spradling |
Teresa Johnson | Chaffin |
Titeona Hughes | Sutton |
Trenity Myers | Northside |
Trina Shuey | Sutton |
Vanessa Rivera | Howard |
Veronica A Johnson | Service Center |
Chaffin Custodian Team - Viengsavanh Ratsamy, Michele Morgan, Billy Sipathoum, Alan Chaleunsack, Lesvia Cordon, Sam Le, Phouxay Sengmany | Chaffin |