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Highlights and Headlines: February 26, 2024 Board Meeting Recap
At the February 26, 2024, School Board Meeting, FSPS staff presented information on academic achievement, student safety, and district financials. The board voted to approve the audit report for the 2022-2023 financial statements, demonstrating their commitment to transparency and fiscal responsibility.
Dr. Tiffany Bone, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction, explained how the district plans to improve student learning. Using guidance from Kagan Publishing, teachers aim to increase student engagement and feedback. FSPS seeks to streamline teaching approaches and foster a more engaging learning environment district-wide.
Dr. Keri Rathbun, Director of Coordinated School Health and Career Counseling, shared new software implemented in all schools to enhance career counseling during the 2023-2024 school year to track and analyze counselors' time, focusing on collaboration with students for course selection and Student Success Plans. Efforts are underway to streamline the new software among staff at all schools.
Deputy Superintendent Martin Mahan updated the Board on the five-year safety plan. All FSPS campuses will be equipped with AI-enhanced weapon detection software by the start of the 2024-2025 school year. The system, costing about $156,000/year will be provided by Zeroeyes.
Mr. Marc Lux from Pryzybysz & Associates, presented the board with the annual audit, which met all regulatory requirements. The board approved the audit, which will now be submitted to the state. Charles Warren, FSPS CFO, delivered a financial update and preview of the upcoming budget for the 2024 school year. Highlights include plans to add four assistant principals at elementary schools, at an estimated cost of $400,000.