School Board Meeting Recap: January 27, 2025
School Board Meeting Recap: January 27, 2025
The Fort Smith Public Schools Board of Education met on Monday, January 27, 2025 for a regular meeting. Mr. Marc Lutz with Przybysz & Associates, CPAs, presented their Audit of the District’s financial position as of June 30, 2024. The Board approved the audit.
Dr. Tiffany Bone, Assistant Superintendent, and Dr. Kellie Cohen Minton, Director of Student Achievement and Accountability, provided the Board with a mid-year update on the school improvement plans. The review highlighted progress in literacy and math, with special recognition given to Cook, Howard, Woods Elementary, and Chaffin Middle School for their achievements, which have earned them reward funding from the state of Arkansas. The Curriculum and Instruction department will present a final update on the school improvement plans at the end of the school year.
Dr. Kimberly Starr, Director of Elementary Education, presented to the Board an update to the Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition (SAMR) Model currently used at Tilles Elementary School, which integrates technology in the classroom. The model focuses on grades 3, 4, and 5, but all staff at Tilles have had SAMR training and can utilitze the training in their classrooms. The model provides teachers with a more in-depth understanding of what should and shouldn’t be taught with technology. The SAMR model has proved to be effective, and the district is excited to implement it in other schools.
Finally, Board President Dalton Person shared an update on the search firm, McPherson &Jacobson, LLC, approved during the January 7, 2025, Called Board meeting. The final contract has been submitted to the district’s attorney for review, and the next steps will involve developing a profile for the potential superintendent and establishing a timeline with the firm. Mr. Person expects to provide further updates at the next Board meeting.
Before the meeting concluded, Talicia Richardson resigned her position. The Fort Smith Public Schools (FSPS) Board of Education is now accepting applications for the Zone IV vacant seat. To find out if you live in Zone IV and apply, visit Applications are due by the end of business Friday, February 14.